Before I begin writing about our day to day activities, I have to try to explain what is going on here. I have found myself part of a traveling road show. Complete with local (and this year, international) celebrity entertainers, professional photography and video crew, an entire entourage of medical, safety, and setup crews.
Here's the part that I didn't really get, and the thing that makes this event one of the most unique and powerful ways to spread awareness to these incredibly impoverished and underserved areas.
Imagine going into a community where people have nothing. They work (if they can) for maybe $10 a day, alcohol abuse and violence are a part of their day to day existence. We want to reach these people to try to educate them about a disease that is stigmatized in their culture - to help save lives. If you are living in these conditions, what possible motivation would you have to come out and listen to a bunch of strangers talk to you about self examinations - the basics of early detection and vastly improved survival rates? Well apparently you put on a show. With entertainers they know and respect. You bring survivors on motorcycles that tell stories that they can relate to. And once you get them there, hundreds of them at a time - sometimes more - you connect to them. And once you've gotten their attention, you have an opportunity to deliver life saving messages. To provide not just entertainment, but education - and hope.
I've only been with this group for 2 days, but I'm already overwhelmed with the ingenuity, passion and ramifications of what this group is doing here. As we gear up we will be doing 4 shows a day in different towns. Advance crews set up, and are already gone and setting up the next venue by the time we get there. What I saw today was just a small taste of what I will be experiencing this week. The opening ceremony at Revlon yesterday, and appearance at a local fundraiser, finally filled in all the gaps for me as I now see what this is really all about. The performances by these extraordinary artists and the reactions of the people we are reaching are so moving - I cannot believe my good fortune in being included in this amazing experienc
I wish I had hours more to spend explaining all of this, but our schedule is honestly going to be grueling - so I promise to post when I can, and get pictures up as often as possible. For general details in the meantime, you can check the website, where they are posting video and pictures daily.